In 1900 Hershey’s Cocoa used their automobile to advertise their brand. It started with lettering and then later added some embellished designs to incorporate different faces and imagery. For over 50 years the only choice was paint.
In 1926 Vinyl Chloride was invented by BF Goodrich Company but it wasn’t until the 50’s Newhouse Automotive Industries produced a DIY plaid or polka dot decorative vinyl. In the 80’s production cost and technology became more affordable even for small businesses.
In 1993 vinyl manufacturer KPMF (Kay Premium Marketing Films) was asked to produce a film to change cars into beige Taxis to comply with government regulations.
In the 21st century, with even better technology, vinyl graphics was even possible for start up businesses and made the designs even more desirable. Because of the ever-improving technology with vinyl wraps many shops are trying to cash in on the growth by offering vehicle and graphic wraps.
Now everyone can afford to change their everyday car to the color they really like, and the small business owner can make sure their company stands out.
The OAAA (Outdoor Advertising Association of America) said the cost per thousand impressions of a vehicle wrap is $0.15 which is are a lot cheaper compared to outdoor ad at $3.56, radio at $5.92, newspaper at $11.66, and television at $11.51!
The one thing that vehicle wraps have that none of the other means of advertisements is there is no research for target audience. Meaning companies must figure out demographics, product usage and much research to know where to post their billboard, what newspaper, magazine and tv station has the best opportunity to reach their target audience.